What Is A Fake Scalp Wig?

If you have heard of the term ‘fake scalp wig’ you may be wondering exactly what this is and how it differs from other wigs. The main differences that are incorporated into a fake scalp wig are a ‘pre-plucked hairline’, ‘bleached knots’ and a ‘ fake scalp’; these three features enhance the natural look of a fake scalp wig. Let’s go into a little more detail about what these three features exactly are.

What is a pre-plucked hairline?

Your hair grows in stages, therefore, the hair on your head is always unequal in length. You will have baby hairs around your hairline, and the density of hair on top of your head is less than the hair on the rest of your head. Saying this leads us to one of the biggest issues with most wigs! If a wig has not been pre-plucked, the density of hair is the same all over the wig and the hairline is super straight  This does not realistically replicate your natural head of hair and makes it quite obvious that you are wearing a wig.  I think we can all agree that when you choose to wear a wig, any attention you draw to yourself should be positive, with compliments of how beautiful your hair is.

So what to do? This is where pre-plucking comes in. A pre-plucked wig means that it has been customized to replicate your natural hair growth. A skilled hair stylist/wig stylist has carefully, with tweezers, plucked out hairs in the appropriate areas of the wig to give it a natural look. 

There are some pros and cons to pre-plucked wigs:


  • Natural looking hairline;

  • Will look like it is your own hair and not a wig.


  • Because some hair has been plucked making the hairline thinner, there is a chance that other hairs will fall out.

Why bleach knots on a wig?

Natural hair lace wigs are made up of individual strands of hair tied (knotted) to the wig lace. These knots can be visible and look unnatural against your scalp, especially if the wig is dark in color. Some people try to cover up the knots with make-up and sprays, but this does not disguise the knots as well as bleaching does. To make a wig look more realistic, as if the hairs are growing from your scalp, bleaching them does the trick. By using a bleaching method, the lace base looks as smooth and delicate as the skin on your scalp.

Are there pros and cons to bleaching the knots? Yes there are:


Looks like each individual hair is growing from your scalp;

Knots are not visible.


Can make knots weaker, prone to shedding;

Require professional skills to bleach.

What is a fake scalp?
What is the difference between a fake scalp and a regular wig scalp? Wig scalps are made with see-through lace and your natural hair can be seen through it, but with a fake scalp the lace is covered by an additional fabric. This fabric mimics the color and texture of your scalp to give an extremely natural look, the fabric used varies in shades to match the shade of your scalp color.

As with other wigs, there are combs sewn in to help with securing the wig to your scalp. A fake scalp wig also has a removable and adjustable wide band which runs along the base of your scalp, which ensures that your wig is secure. 

Because there is no glue required to secure the scalp of the wig to your head there, is no stiffness involved. There is also no need to wear a wig cap or style your hair in braids (cornrows) before wearing a fake scalp wig.


  • No wig cap or braiding needed;

  • Extra delicate fabric overlay;

  • 6” parting space with a natural look;

  • Wide adjustable band attached to ensure a snug fit.


  • Not really any!!!

Let’s sum it up

Fake scalp wigs are by far the most natural looking wig due to a pre-plucked hairline, bleached knots and a fake scalp. They are also the easiest wigs to care for as there is no glue involved so washing the scalp of the wig is a stress free experience. The other plus, for the fast paced world we live in, is that they are easy to install, put it on and go! We are sure you will agree, these are all major pluses!


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