6 Differences: Hair Topper vs. Wig

If you have decided it’s time to either add some volume to your hair or cover some spots that are thinning, you may be making a decision to buy either a hair topper or a wig. Keep reading to find out the top 6 differences between a hair topper and a wig that will guide you in your decision making.



Toppers are smaller than a wig and their purpose is to cover a specific area of your head where you have hair loss or your hair is thinning.


Wigs are larger and cover the whole head and hair completely, they are also a great solution for people with substantial hair loss or complete baldness. 

Size and Attachments


Toppers come in various sizes and shapes. This allows the topper to sit naturally on your head targeting the area of concern. Toppers are attached to your existing hair using clips, combs or another secure method.


Wigs come in different sizes so you can choose the size that fits your head snugly. A wig covers your whole head and is secured using adjustable straps, combs, or adhesive materials.


Hair Topper

Hair toppers are designed to blend in with your natural hair, therefore the colour of the hair topper you choose should be as close as possible to your own hair colour. Your hairstylist should be able to help you with colouring your topper if need be.


Since a wig covers your whole head, you can choose any colour you like! If you love your natural hair colour and style, choose a wig that closely resembles your natural look. If you want to spice it up a bit, choose a wig that is a little different to your natural hair colour and style!



Toppers are lightweight and breathable due to the fact that they cover a targeted area of your head and your own hair is not fully covered. The base of the hair topper is usually made of a light weight lace which is breathable.


A wig covers the entire scalp and is made with more material than a topper, it may feel warmer on your head, especially in hot weather. Some people wear a wig cap along with their wig in order to hold it in place, this adds up to an additional layer of material on your head, becoming even less breathable.



Hair toppers are easy to maintain. If you wear your hair topper daily, it is recommended to wash it every ten to fourteen days. They are small and easy to wash, condition and dry. Maintaining a hair topper can easily be done at home.


Washing, conditioning and styling a wig takes effort and time and should be done at least once a month or more if you wear it every day. It is quite similar to washing your natural hair, except of course it is not on your head. Check out our blog on Human Hair Wig Care Tips. Some people find maintaining their wig to be intimidating and prefer to have a hair stylist who specializes in wig maintenance do it for them.



Since the amount of hair used to make a topper is minimal, the cost of a topper is affordable and manageable and will probably fit into your budget.


Since a wig covers your whole head and uses a lot more hair than a topper, the cost reflects this. The cost of a wig also varies in price range depending on the construction of the wig and the hair quality.

Let’s Sum It Up!

Choosing between a topper and a wig depends on factors such as the extent of your hair loss, desired look, and lifestyle. It is also a good idea to consult a hair stylist who is specialized or has experience in hair toppers and wigs as they will be able to guide you and give you expert advice.

Photo Attribution: FreePik


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